Can't build cocos2D on new machine

I just got a new windows 7 64bit laptop with VS 2010 professional and when I run the “build-win32.bat” I get lots of red test errors with messages like:

error MSB4126: The specified solution configuration “Debug|MCD” is invalid. Please specify a valid solution configuration using the Configuration and Platform properties (e.g. MSBuild.exe Solution.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=“Any CPU”) or leave those properties blank to use the default solution configuration file. I get four of these messages. Any ideas as I had another computer with no problems running this script.

Anyone got any ideas?

Really no one? We have two machines which are having this same problem. They don’t seem to be any different from our other machines.

Sorry for late reply.
I haven’t tested build-win32.bat with vs2010. How about the compilation after you open cocos2d-win32.vc2010.sln?

Thanks for the reply Walzer.

Okay so I (and some others here) were apparently confused because we thought “build-win32.bat” was creating and building vs 2008 and 2010 projects as well as building the libraries. We assumed that since that failed almost instantly the projects were not setup correctly so we didn’t try building them. We are feeling really stupid here but we can build from vs 2010 now using the solution and it just required building 4 times as the dependencies don’t seem to be working correctly but no worries there. Thanks again.

It is odd because we don’t remember getting the errors when running the build script on the other machines here but oh well I guess as it seems to be working now.

Thanks for the reply Walzer. When building “cocos2d-win32.vc2010.sln”

Okay so I (and some others here) were apparently confused because we thought “build-win32.bat” was creating and building vs 2008 and 2010 projects as well as building the libraries. We assumed that since that failed almost instantly the projects were not setup correctly so we didn’t try building them. We are feeling really stupid here but we can build from vs 2010 now using the solution and it just required building 4 times as the dependencies don’t seem to be working correctly but no worries there. Thanks again.