Can WebGL increase performance on mobile browser?

I think rendering performance can be increased with WebGL when render particles or batched sprites or something…

Does it make sense? then, when Cocos2d-JS could be supported on WebGL on mobile browser?

Thanks :smile:

I’m happy that you asked !

In fact, Cocos2d-JS already support iOS8 WebGL, but it need to be enabled manually, I will post the how to do later.

Let’s just show you some test screen shot first

Sprite Test x3000 - 60fps (12fps on canvas):

Sprite Action Test x600 - 60fps (30fps on canvas):

And the most impressive one, Particle Test x1800 - 60fps (was unable to run on canvas):

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How about on android device?

Maybe mobile chrome also supports WebGL, too.

And… do you have any idea about below topic?


I want to know how to manually enable WebGL on iOS8 :slight_smile: (Does it works on android if browser supports WebGL?)

Have a nice day!

Please refer to the modification of CCBoot.js in these two commits:

We deactivated webgl on Android by osSupportWebGL white list, because some of the browsers on Android support WebGL in an experimental way. You can activate it manually by adding sys.OS_ANDROID in the white list.

@pandamicro Awesome! Thanks!