Can we add font file to our project at runtime?

I need to download file from server , and use it while app is running. Is that possible? Please show solution

I guess you could download it into where getWriteablePath() stores files for your platform and then at some point before have added that same location to FileUtils search paths.

string path = cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath()+“font.TTF”;

I saved this on above path, now

string path = cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath()+“font.TTF”;

But it crashes, when I try to access this label and says unable to find file font.ttf

Please help

I don’t think you need this. Just specify the path.

cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->addSearchPath(cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath(), true);

I’m not sure if you should use true either without taking a look at the source for this function.

No its not working. get crash log:-
Get data from file(font.TTF) failed!
Can you tell me how should I save file downloaded from server using httpresponse. Here is my way :-

oid SplashScene::downloadFontFromServer(){
    HttpRequest* request = new (std::nothrow) HttpRequest();
    request->setUrl("server url");
    request->setResponseCallback( [=] (network::HttpClient* client, network::HttpResponse* response) {
        if (!response)
            log("onHttpRequestCompleted - No Response");
        log("onHttpRequestCompleted - Response code: %lu", response->getResponseCode());
        if (!response->isSucceed())
            log("onHttpRequestCompleted - Response failed");
            log("onHttpRequestCompleted - Error buffer: %s", response->getErrorBuffer());
        std::vector<char> *buffer = response->getResponseData();
        CCLOG("buffer size %ld ", buffer->size());
        string ret(&(buffer->front()), buffer->size());
        CCLOG("%s", ("Response message: " + ret).c_str());
        std::string dataFromServer(buffer->begin(),buffer->end());

//save file here
string path  =  cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath()+"font.TTF";

//    CCLOG("pathfor saving file %s",path.c_str());
	FILE *fp = fopen(path.c_str(), "w");

	if (! fp)
		CCLOG("can not create file %s", path.c_str());
		return "";
	fputs(file, fp);

can you tell where I am wrong?

I’d place some breakpoints and see what is happening. your path variable still looks wrong and then you try to open it with FILE?