Can Visual studio 2017 Compile cocos2d-x 3.16 project?

I compile fail…and try vs 2015 still failure

I don’t think the project has been updated since v3.13 or so, I don’t recall. Microsoft created this project and maintained it. I think they stopped maintaining it.

I am able to compile using VS2015 Enterprise, so I think VS2017 will also work.


  • I used v3.16 tag as the latest commit (at time of writing this) is broken due to Box2D library missing.
  • I had to remove an xcopy error in the Game Controller Test build step. See this commit.

Yes, you can, VS2017 is compatible with VS2015.

Me Too! I used v3.16, and broken due to libbox2d.lib is not useful. how can u solved?

O, I build Success! I forget to set Project to retarget solution.

I will wait until it’s fixed upstream.

I get +500 errors when i compile with both 2015 & 2017. When will someone with a successful configuration will share a how to?