Can not run programme on windowsxp because opengl version is under requeried version 1.5

Hi everybody. I have problem about using cocos2dx 2.0.3. I can not run programme on windows xp and windows show alert that “Opengl version cannot lower than 1.5”. then programme exited.

So what should we do?

  1. manual update driver for display card? But we have 200k user population so for, this method is not working for us.
  2. lower the cocos2dx to version 0.9?
  3. further, it is matured way to using cocos2dx to develop pc game instead of mobile devices.

Any reply will be appreciated.


Use lower version of cocos2d-x .

I have faced the same issue, and i solved it using “cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.9.2” , try this version…

you will be rocking / …


I’m having the same problem. My machine is older and the most recent driver only supports opengl 1.4. Is there a way to use the lastest COCOS2D-X build and have the openGL version set to something lower than 1.5? IT seems silly to have to go to an earlier version of COCOS2D-X. Thanks.

I don’t think this is possible. If you can’t buy a new graphics card then probably the only solution is using cocos2d-x v1.x.x.

This is not about of a programmer without money to buy a new graphics card, this is about making my game running in more PCs as possible. Some page or document that lists cocos2dx versions with respective OpenGL version requirement?. Thanks in advance!