c++ std::bind and SEL_SCHEDULE

I am trying to use std::bind to pass an extra parameter to the schedule callback.

std::function<void(float)> callback = std::bind(&SomeLayer::someFunc, this, placeholders::_1, 1);
selector = schedule(callback);

where the SomeLayer::someFunc is defined as
void SomeLayer::someFunc(float dt, int x)

I get an error in the second line because the selector is defined as typedef void (Object::*SEL_SCHEDULE)(float);
where as i am using a void fn(float)

how can i fix this error or is it not possible?

checkout this as an example of how to use schedule callback

It seems 3.0 support std::function & std::bind. Current callback is totally copy from Objective-C however that is not fit to C++ perfectly with many drawback and hard to use.

Thanks. l understood the problem - I was trying to pass in a std::function where it was expecting a function pointer. @ning li yep i see the ccMenuCallback (and Menu and its related classes) has been changed for c++11 std::function but not the scheduler callbacks.