Build Windows Phone 8 project in Marmalade

I have finished my Windows Phone 8 game use cocos2d-x. How to build and deploy it in Marmalade? Can you give me some tutorials step by step?
Thank you!

Now, when i build marmalade project with Visual Studio 2012 Windows Phone, i always got 2 errors:

Error   1   no game binaries found in folder: G:\   G:\Study Document\Other\Cocos2d-X\cocos2d-x-2.2.1_full\cocos2d-x-2.2.1\projects\Simple\proj.marmalade\build_simple_vc11_wp8devtoolset\EXEC
Error   2   The command "
if "Debug"=="Debug" set XDEBUGFLAG=-d
if "x86"=="ARM" set XARCHFLAG=arm

"c:\marmalade\7.1\s3e\bin\s3e_deploy" --exclude-package --exclude-assets --device-debugging -n -o wp8 -a wp8-%XARCHFLAG% %XDEBUGFLAG% G:\Study Document\Other\Cocos2d-X\cocos2d-x-2.2.1_full\cocos2d-x-2.2.1\projects\Simple\proj.marmalade\build_simple_vc11_wp8devtoolset\ --outputdir=G:\Study Document\Other\Cocos2d-X\cocos2d-x-2.2.1_full\cocos2d-x-2.2.1\projects\Simple\proj.marmalade\build_simple_vc11_wp8devtoolset\
" exited with code 1.