Build libcocos2d.dll for cocos simulator

Hello! :smile:

I am trying to build libcocos2d.dll for cocos simulator for cocos2d-x 3.4.

Current Cocos 2.1 Version has cocos2d-x 3.4rc1 libcocos2d.dll. Sadly this libcocos2d.dll used the old cocos studio 2.1beta and not the new cocos studio 2.1 files. So I need to build libcocos2d.dll new.

I think I need cmake to create Visual Studio 2013 sln-files and then build it, right?

Not sure about the status on cmake, I think @vovkasm still patching it for MSVC
Give this prebuilt script a shot

thanks! Sadly the script hangs searching for VS. But I think I found a solution (the lua_runtimes which are downloaded from download_deps are for 3.4rc1 and not for 3.4 final). Now I am waiting for someone who is answering on the github issue or fixing it.

The cmake build for vs2013 has been fixed, note you need cmake 3.1.1 in order to build it successfully.

cool! Thanks, will try it.

Could you pls find out why noone is answering here (all the same issue, more or less…)


I thinks it’s a major issue if the cocos2d-x-3.4\templates\lua-template-runtime\runtime\win32* stuff is from 3.4rc1 and not from 3.4 final (I tried the official 3.4 version


I think it’s because it’s close to chinese new year, so the developers are on vacation.
For simulator related issues, you can ask @dualface