BUG: Unable to read plist into CCArray for cocos2dx-2.1.0-wp8-alpha-2.0


I am reading a plist into the CCArray but it returns a Null value. After debugging into the code I found out it is unable to read data into the buffer and I believe it is a bug. As Create2() return an invalid file handler. The Path to the assets is correct it is C:.plist on my device.

the code is simple works on other branch.

const char path = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils->fullPathFromRelativePath;
parray = CCArray::createWithContentsOfFile(path);

// read the file from hardware
hFile = ::CreateFile2(path.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, &extendedParams);

In above code present in CCFileUtils_win8_metro.cpp it returns 0xffffff and breaks so no data is read to the Buffer. So the buffer is never parsed to store data in the CCArray object and thus gets NULL value.

Any solution to this?

Right click on a plist file. Goto to its properties and set content type to true. By default it will show empty slot as visual studio is unable to recongnize such file extension

Thanks a ton! I had done this when working on windows 7 but had forgotten this till now! Thanks again!

Hi Guys!

I am having a big problem with the .plist, because all my contents is out of project solution it is in the root where the cocos 2d creates the folder of project “Project/Resources” and the solution is in “Project/proj.win32” , So the visual studio does not see the Resources folder and I can’t select the .plist to make the content property becomes true =( . Some Idea how can I proceed?

Thx for all!

Sirs, I really need to know this, could some one help?

Can you please elaborate a little more. I cant understand what your saying.

Sorry! I found the real problem.

here: [[http://www.cocos2d-x.org/forums/6/topics/40702]]

Thx for all!