Bug in cc.textureCache.addImage

there is a bug in the textureCache.addImage function where the application will hang in Android if you call this method twice to load two images remotely


cc.textureCache.addImage("http://www.cocos2d-x.org/attachments/download/1508", function(texture) {
        	if (texture instanceof cc.Texture2D) {
        		cc.log("Remote texture loaded: " +texture);
        		var sprite = new cc.Sprite(texture);
        		sprite.x = cc.winSize.width/2;
        		sprite.y = cc.winSize.height/2;
        	else {
        		cc.log("Fail to load remote texture");
        cc.textureCache.addImage("http://www.cocos2d-x.org/attachments/download/1508", function(texture) {
        	if (texture instanceof cc.Texture2D) {
        		cc.log("Remote texture loaded: " + texture);
        		var sprite = new cc.Sprite(texture);
        		sprite.x = cc.winSize.width/2;
        		sprite.y = cc.winSize.height/2;
        	else {
        		cc.log("Fail to load remote texture");