Bug fix for CCLayerColor & CocosBuilder

So I found that Cocosbuilder assumes a default CCLayerColor opacity of 255, but Cocos2dx defaults to 0. This causes CCLayerColors created in Cocosbuilder to not display if they have a opacity of 255. I fixed this by changing the following in CCLayerColor::init():

CCSize s = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
return initWithColor(ccc4(0,0,0,0), s.width, s.height);


CCSize s = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
return initWithColor(ccc4(0,0,0,255), s.width, s.height);

This is similar to what CCLayerGradient already does.

Hi Franky,

Thank you very much for sharing this bug! It saved me a lot of time!
If you are planning to use CCLayerGradient you should implement a constructor
just to clean the member variables inside it, otherwise you get extrange results be aware
