[Bug] cocos2d-x Linux Compile Error libfmodex.so not found

My Dev Env: Ubuntu 10.04 i386 PAE

Compile Error:

/usr/bin/ld: warning: libfmodex.so, needed by …/…/…/lib/linux/Debug/libcocosdenshion.so, not found (try using rpath orrpath-link)

Solution to this issue:

Edit samples/HelloCpp/proj.linux/Makefile ,

update this line

SHAREDLIBS = L…/…/…/lib/linux/Debuglcocos2d lrtlz ~~lcocosdenshion
SHAREDLIBS =~~L…/…/…/lib/linux/Debug lcocos2dlrt lzlcocosdenshion

After this modification, every thing compiles OK under Linux

Hope some of you guys can see this post, and merge this fix into cocos2d-x code base

