BUG: CCSpawn double firing first 2 actions when created with array

I found a bug in CCSpawn where it fires the first two actions twice (once with time 0 and once with time 1) when created using an array of actions. I did not check to see if this is strictly with callFunc actions or other actions too, but it is at least an issue with those.

To test, I created a new Cocos2d-x project in Xcode, adding the following methods to the Helloworld.cpp file (and appropriate header additions):

void HelloWorld::logString(CCString *strVal) {

void HelloWorld::onEnter() {

    CCLog("onEnter called");

    CCArray* actions = CCArray::create();

    // filler to keep spawn from double firing first two actions
    for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
        CCString *strVal = CCString::createWithFormat("callFunc #%i", j);
        CCCallFuncO* noAction = CCCallFuncO::create(this, callfuncO_selector(HelloWorld::logString), strVal);

    CCSpawn *sAction = CCSpawn::create(actions);

The console output was:

 Cocos2d: onEnter called
 Cocos2d: callFunc #0
 Cocos2d: callFunc #1
 Cocos2d: callFunc #2
 Cocos2d: callFunc #3
 Cocos2d: callFunc #4
 Cocos2d: callFunc #5
 Cocos2d: callFunc #6
 Cocos2d: callFunc #0 
 Cocos2d: callFunc #1

Notice that callFunc #0/1 fire twice, but the rest do not. For use in my actual project, I am just prefilling the array with throw-away calls before doing the real actions, but this is a but that others might trip on so should be fixed.