[BUG]CCParticleSystemQuad use cocosBuilder3 in cocos2dx-3.0 draw weird shape.

Hi cocos2dx team,
I used CCParticleSystemQuad in cocosBuilder,
but I discover that particle file in cocosBuilder can be read but have really weird shape on the result.
please refer to attachment to read what’s I mean.

cocos2d-x3.0 alpha 0
cocosBuilder 3.0 alpha5

未命名-1.png (168.4 KB)

Simon Pan wrote:

Hi cocos2dx team,
I used CCParticleSystemQuad in cocosBuilder,
but I discover that particle file in cocosBuilder can be read but have really weird shape on the result.
please refer to attachment to read what’s I mean.
cocos2d-x3.0 alpha 0
cocosBuilder 3.0 alpha5

Why I know that is render’s problem?
because I add code as below when into onDidLoadFromCCB callback in JSB:

    var texture = cc.TextureCache.getInstance().addImage("ccbResources/ccbParticleFire.png");

Still show me the weird shape(rectangle without texture).

Did you fix it? I got same problem.

Joy Cho wrote:

Did you fix it? I got same problem.


I have same problem. any one can help?:frowning:

We are trying to fix soon.

thanks. waiting for good news.

It is fixed in this pull request: https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/4326.

Minggo Zhang wrote:

We are trying to fix soon.

thanks very much, but i tested it, still have this issue, I attached the file used, would you please use this to test it.

ParticleSystemQuad* fire = ParticleSystemQuad::create("icearrow_hit.plist");

    fire->setPosition(Point(500, 300));

You can run TestCpp/ExtensiontsTest/CocosBuilderTest/ParticleTest to look the the effect.

Minggo Zhang wrote:

You can run TestCpp/ExtensiontsTest/CocosBuilderTest/ParticleTest to look the the effect.

thanks, maybe I am not explain clear, my issue is the attached particle file, i run it in cocos2d-x 2.x all thing is good, but after i update to 3.0, it always show a shape around. i have read the source code, but can not found why, would you please give me some advice?thanks a lot.

it will show like this.

Have you applied the patch?

Oh did you use latest codes to test?

yes, I have update the cocos to newest.

mosquito du wrote:

yes, I have update the cocos to newest.

I think this is a compatible problem. @mosquito du, please call fire-> setBlendAdditive(bool) function manually. You can test which parameter can meet your requirement.
BTW, It is safer to call setBlendAdditive after you call setTextureFunction. setBlendAdditive will need some data from texture.

thanks every much。 it works.
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
thanks again.

:slight_smile: You are welcome

Simon Pan wrote:

Simon Pan wrote:
> Hi cocos2dx team,
> I used CCParticleSystemQuad in cocosBuilder,
> but I discover that particle file in cocosBuilder can be read but have really weird shape on the result.
> please refer to attachment to read what’s I mean.
> Thanks.
> version:
> cocos2d-x3.0 alpha 0
> cocosBuilder 3.0 alpha5
Why I know that is render’s problem?
because I add code as below when into onDidLoadFromCCB callback in JSB:
Still show me the weird shape(rectangle without texture).
hi ,can I have your email ? I have some questions wann to talk with u