[bug]CCBAnimatioManager does not handle "visible" animation properly

getAction() generates actions between 2 keyframes, but we should add an extra action for the first key frame for “visible” animation,
otherwise the node will not be shown if:

  1. it’s visible property is false. (but we expect it’ll be shown by the “visible” animation")
  2. The timeline is in a looped chian.

here’s a patch:

        if (timeFirst > 0)

        // Patch Begin
        if (strcmp(pSeqProp->getName(), "visible") == 0) {
          if( numKeyframes > 0 ) {
            CCBKeyframe *kf0 = (CCBKeyframe*)keyframes->objectAtIndex(0);
            CCBValue *val = (CCBValue *)kf0->getValue();
            if( val->getBoolValue() )
        // Patch Ends

        for (int i = 0; i < numKeyframes - 1; ++i)