box2d-editor cocos2d-x loader

add to my github for download:

I created cocos2d-x loader to use with box2d-editor :
with the loader you must use the mini Json parser called cJSON

here is the loader i hope you find it useful:

#include "BodyEditorLoader.h"
//ported by meir yanovich

BodyEditorLoader::BodyEditorLoader(std::string str)

    polygonShape = new b2PolygonShape();
    model = readJson(str);


void BodyEditorLoader::init(std::string str)
    model = readJson(str);



    polygonShape = new b2PolygonShape();    


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Public API
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Creates and applies the fixtures defined in the editor. The name
     * parameter is used to retrieve the right fixture from the loaded file.
     * The body reference point (the red cross in the tool) is by default
     * located at the bottom left corner of the image. This reference point
     * will be put right over the BodyDef position point. Therefore, you should
     * place this reference point carefully to let you place your body in your
     * world easily with its BodyDef.position point. Note that to draw an image
     * at the position of your body, you will need to know this reference point
     * (see {@link #getOrigin(java.lang.String, float)}.
     * Also, saved shapes are normalized. As shown in the tool, the width of
     * the image is considered to be always 1 meter. Thus, you need to provide
     * a scale factor so the polygons get resized according to your needs (not
     * every body is 1 meter large in your game, I guess).
     * @param body The Box2d body you want to attach the fixture to.
     * @param name The name of the fixture you want to load.
     * @param fd The fixture parameters to apply to the created body fixture.
     * @param scale The desired scale of the body. The default width is 1.
void BodyEditorLoader::attachFixture(b2Body *body, std::string name, b2FixtureDef* fd, float scale) 
        RigidBodyModel rbModel;

        if(model->rigidBodies == NULL || model->rigidBodies->find(name) == model->rigidBodies->end())
            CCLOGWARN("Name %s was not found.",name.c_str());
            RigidBodies_iterator rigidBodies_iterator =  model->rigidBodies->find(name);
            rbModel = rigidBodies_iterator->second;


        b2Vec2 vec;
        b2Vec2 origin;
        int poll = 0;
        for (std::list::const_iterator iterator = rbModel.polygons.begin(), end = rbModel.polygons.end(); iterator != end; ++iterator) {
                PolygonModel* polygon = (PolygonModel*)(*iterator);
                b2Vec2 *vertices = new b2Vec2[polygon->vertices.size()];
                //CCLOGWARN("------------- POLYGONE  %d------------",poll); poll++;

                int verticeslength = polygon->vertices.size();//polygon->buffer.size();
                int count = 0;
                for (int ii=0, nn=verticeslength; iivertices.front();
                    //CCLOGWARN("befor mul(%f) vertices[%d] x:%f y:%f",scale,ii,currentVec->x,currentVec->y);
                    tempVec->Set(currentVec->x*scale,currentVec->y*scale); //.mul(scale)
                    tempVec->x = tempVec->x;// - origin.x;
                    tempVec->y = tempVec->y;// - origin.y;
                    //CCLOGWARN("name:%s after mul(%f) tempVec x:%f y:%f",name.c_str(),scale,ii,tempVec->x,tempVec->y); 
                    //vertices[ii].Set(tempVec->x - origin.x ,tempVec->y - origin.y);//vertices[ii].sub(origin);
                    //CCLOGWARN("vertices[%d] x:%f y:%f",ii,vertices[ii].x,vertices[ii].y);



                fd->shape = polygonShape;


                for (int ii=0, nn=verticeslength; ii::const_iterator iterator = rbModel.circles.begin(), end = rbModel.circles.end(); iterator != end; ++iterator) {
                CircleModel* circle = (CircleModel*)(*iterator);
                b2Vec2* center = newVec();
                float radius = circle->radius * scale;
                circleShape.m_radius= radius;
                fd->shape = &circleShape;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Json reading process
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Model* BodyEditorLoader::readJson(std::string str) {
    //Model m = new Model();
    Model* m = new Model();
    m->rigidBodies =   new  std::map();
    //m->rigidBodies = new std::map();
    cJSON *json_root;
    if (!json_root) {CCLOGWARN("Error before: [%s]\n",cJSON_GetErrorPtr());}

        cJSON *json_bodiesElems = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json_root,"rigidBodies"); 

        int i; 
        for (i=0;irigidBodies->insert(std::pair(,rbModel));



    return m;

RigidBodyModel BodyEditorLoader::readRigidBody(cJSON *json_bodyElem) {

        RigidBodyModel rbModel;
        std::string str_name(cJSON_GetObjectItem(json_bodyElem,"name")->valuestring); 
        std::string str_imagePath(cJSON_GetObjectItem(json_bodyElem,"imagePath")->valuestring); = str_name;
        rbModel.imagePath = str_imagePath;

        cJSON* originElem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json_bodyElem,"origin");
        rbModel.origin.x = (float)cJSON_GetObjectItem(originElem,"x")->valuedouble;
        rbModel.origin.y = (float)cJSON_GetObjectItem(originElem,"y")->valuedouble;

        // polygons

        cJSON* polygonsElem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json_bodyElem,"polygons");

        for (int i=0; ivaluedouble;
                float y = (float)cJSON_GetObjectItem(json_vertexElem,"y")->valuedouble; 

                polygon->vertices.push_back(new b2Vec2(x, y));

            polygon->buffer.reserve(polygon->vertices.size());  // needs to be simple int

        // circles

        cJSON* circlesElem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json_bodyElem,"circles");
        if(circlesElem!=NULL && cJSON_GetArraySize(circlesElem)>0)
            for (int i=0; icenter.x = (float)cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsoncircleElem,"cx")->valuedouble;;
                 circle->center.y = (float)cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsoncircleElem,"cy")->valuedouble;
                 circle->radius = (float)cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsoncircleElem,"r")->valuedouble;

        return rbModel;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Gets the image path attached to the given name.
std::string BodyEditorLoader::getImagePath(std::string name) 
    RigidBodyModel rbModel;
    std::string imagemap="";

    if(model->rigidBodies == NULL || model->rigidBodies->find(name) == model->rigidBodies->end())
        CCLOGWARN("Name %s was not found.",name.c_str());
       RigidBodies_iterator rigidBodies_iterator =  model->rigidBodies->find(name);
       rbModel = rigidBodies_iterator->second;
       imagemap = rbModel.imagePath;


    return rbModel.imagePath;

    * Gets the origin point attached to the given name. Since the point is
    * normalized in [0,1] coordinates, it needs to be scaled to your body
    * size. Warning: this method returns the same Vector2 object each time, so
    * copy it if you need it for later use.

b2Vec2 BodyEditorLoader::getOrigin(std::string name, float scale)
    RigidBodyModel rbModel;
    RigidBodies_iterator rigidBodies_iterator =  model->rigidBodies->find(name);
    rbModel = rigidBodies_iterator->second; 
    if(model->rigidBodies == NULL || model->rigidBodies->find(name) == model->rigidBodies->end())
        CCLOGWARN("Name %s was not found.",name.c_str());

    b2Vec2 vec;
    return vec;


    * For advanced users only. Lets you access the internal model of
    * this loader and modify it. Be aware that any modification is permanent
    * and that you should really know what you are doing.
Model* BodyEditorLoader::getInternalModel()
    return model;
b2Vec2* BodyEditorLoader::newVec() 
    int vectorPoolSize = vectorPool.size();
       return new b2Vec2();

        b2Vec2* vec = (b2Vec2*)vectorPool.front();
        return vec;

void BodyEditorLoader::freeVec(b2Vec2* v) {

int BodyEditorLoader::GetElementType(int type)
    int typeNum = -1;
    switch ((type)&255)
        case cJSON_NULL:
           typeNum = cJSON_NULL;    
        case cJSON_False:   
            typeNum = cJSON_False;      
        case cJSON_True:    
           typeNum = cJSON_True;    
        case cJSON_Number:  
           typeNum = cJSON_Number;  
        case cJSON_String:  
           typeNum = cJSON_String;  
        case cJSON_Array:   
            typeNum = cJSON_Array;  
        case cJSON_Object:  
            typeNum = cJSON_Object; 
    return typeNum;

void BodyEditorLoader::printRigidBodyModel(RigidBodyModel rbModel)

   // CCLOGWARN("name:%s imagePath:%s",,rbModel.imagePath.c_str());
    int pol =0;
    for (std::list::const_iterator iterator = rbModel.polygons.begin(), end = rbModel.polygons.end(); iterator != end; ++iterator)

               // CCLOGWARN("------------- POLYGONE %d------------",pol); pol++;
                PolygonModel* polygonModel = (PolygonModel*)(*iterator);
                for (std::list::const_iterator iterator = polygonModel->vertices.begin(), end = polygonModel->vertices.end(); iterator != end; ++iterator)
                    b2Vec2* b3vec = (b2Vec2*)(*iterator);
                    //CCLOGWARN("x:%f x:%f",b3vec->x,b3vec->y);




#ifndef _BodyEditorLoader_
#define _BodyEditorLoader_

#include "GLES-Render.h"
#include "cJSON.h"
//ported by meir yanovich

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Json Models
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

struct CircleModel 
   b2Vec2 center;
   float radius;

struct PolygonModel 
    std::list vertices;
    std::vector buffer; // used to avoid allocation in attachFixture()

struct RigidBodyModel 
    std::string name;
    std::string imagePath;
    b2Vec2 origin;
    std::list polygons;
    std::list circles;

struct Model 
     std::map* rigidBodies;

class BodyEditorLoader 

    typedef std::vector > OrderedMap;
    typedef std::map::iterator RigidBodies_iterator; 
    BodyEditorLoader(std::string str);
    void init(std::string str);
    Model* readJson(std::string str);
    b2Vec2 getOrigin(std::string name, float scale);
    Model* getInternalModel();
    std::string getImagePath(std::string name);
    void attachFixture(b2Body *body, std::string name, b2FixtureDef* fd, float scale) ;

    // Reusable stuff
    std::list vectorPool;
    b2PolygonShape* polygonShape;
    b2CircleShape circleShape;
    b2Vec2 vec;
    Model* model;

    RigidBodyModel readRigidBody(cJSON *json_bodyElem);
    int GetElementType(int type);
    b2Vec2* newVec();
    void freeVec(b2Vec2* v);
    void printRigidBodyModel(RigidBodyModel rbModel);



I’m a bit lost, I could give examples of how to use it thanks

very nice packers and movvers