Box2D/Box2D.h not found

Hello everyone! I write in my Layer class:

#include "Box2D/Box2D.h"

Autocomplete with Box2D classes work in Eclpse, but when i tried compile by script, i got error:
@ fatal error: Box2D/Box2D.h: No such file or directory@

How i can solve this problem?

P.S. under proj.linux

have u found solution for this? I am creating project on android with cocos2d-x 2.1.5 & facing the same issue.

Paresh Indulkar wrote:

have u found solution for this? I am creating project on android with cocos2d-x 2.1.5 & facing the same issue.

Unfortunatly i don’t remember solution. I upgraded cocos2d-x to 3.0 version and started use QtCreator for developing under Linux.