BoundingBox of rotating sprite

I have to check if my point is contained in my spite. So i wrote a something like that:


my_sprite has a shape of rectangle and is rotating in another function.
But the problem is that getBounding box doesnt return what i want. I will describe my issue:

The comment of Node::getBoundingBox() is

Returns an AABB (axis-aligned bounding-box) in its parent's coordinate system.

So the behavior is correct. What you need is obb, which is missed. You should implement it yourself.

is there any reference link or hint for this?

The source code are

Rect Node::getBoundingBox() const
    Rect rect(0, 0, _contentSize.width, _contentSize.height);
    return RectApplyAffineTransform(rect, getNodeToParentAffineTransform());

Rect RectApplyAffineTransform(const Rect& rect, const AffineTransform& anAffineTransform)
    float top    = rect.getMinY();
    float left   = rect.getMinX();
    float right  = rect.getMaxX();
    float bottom = rect.getMaxY();
    Vec2 topLeft = PointApplyAffineTransform(Vec2(left, top), anAffineTransform);
    Vec2 topRight = PointApplyAffineTransform(Vec2(right, top), anAffineTransform);
    Vec2 bottomLeft = PointApplyAffineTransform(Vec2(left, bottom), anAffineTransform);
    Vec2 bottomRight = PointApplyAffineTransform(Vec2(right, bottom), anAffineTransform);

    float minX = min(min(topLeft.x, topRight.x), min(bottomLeft.x, bottomRight.x));
    float maxX = max(max(topLeft.x, topRight.x), max(bottomLeft.x, bottomRight.x));
    float minY = min(min(topLeft.y, topRight.y), min(bottomLeft.y, bottomRight.y));
    float maxY = max(max(topLeft.y, topRight.y), max(bottomLeft.y, bottomRight.y));
    return Rect(minX, minY, (maxX - minX), (maxY - minY));

It returns minX and minY instead to get AABB. You can implement the same way without using minX and minY.

thank you for guide .

this link is very helpful for it.
i got my solution