Bluetooth in WP 8.1

I’ve seen some attempts at Android with Bluetooth but I`m trying to use it with Windows Phone.

However, I have to use WP8.1 to access the necessary API (unless there’s another way).

Since I intend to use the same code base for Android, a friend suggested me to create an auxiliary BT.dll for C# + WP 8.1 and another for ANDROID.

What do you think? Any suggestions?

So far, I got cocos2d-x project retargeted to 8.1 and could use a background project for the BT.dll in Test C# project. But I still don’t know how to exchange data between a LABEL, for instance, and my messages from BT.DLL. :frowning:



How did you manage to fix those problems? I am also trying to retarget cocos solution to 8.1 since I really need enhanced C++ 11 support but I am struggling with the amount of compile problems that it creates.

It all starts with “#using failed on …”. It seems to be expecting .winmd (windows meta-data files) to be created for the dependent projects but that doesn’t happen.

Even if I manage to fix those by settings “Reference Assembly Output” to false, I still get linking problems in the late phase.