Black Tiles


Recently I ported one of my iOS games to Android using Cocos2d-x and I must say the engine is fantastic - the performance is great, and the port was done in a couple of days. Really cool.

However, during the beta test phase something odd is happening.

On some devices (so far two from about ten different devices) the bottom row and half of the second bottom row on tilemaps are black - not for all layers, but always the same layers. The maps are 15 x 10 tiles.

Is there a reason anyone knows for this? The tilemaps have between five and seven layers, and the devices where this happens are older devices - one is the Samsung S2 mini.

I’ll try to get hold of one to debug, but it will be difficult.

I’d appreciate any feedback. Other than that I’ve had NO issues at all. :slight_smile:

Well, just for anyone else with this issue, it occurred with android 2.3 only.

I fixed it by reducing the layers in my tilemaps. Then all was ok.