best way to display game credits

in game i need to display game credits (long text with nearly 300 lines with different colors and different size)
Actually i am displaying this long text using “CCScrollView” and “CCLabelTTF”, but here it is very dificult to display different colors and different size text.
i tried with “CCScrollView” & “CCLabelBMFont” also, here i can get each character as a sprite and after that i can change color of the text easily.
But taking each character and changing the color for long text may not be good way.In cocos2d we have “UIWebView”, with that we can easily show credits and all long text easily.
Like “UIWebView” is there any thing that we can easily show long text with different styles?
is there any other ways to show long text with different colors and sizes?

can any one suggest me

Write own parser that creates labels from given string with your custom markup. I’ve seen something similar on github, search by “cocos2dx extensions” keywords.