Best way of learning how to use Cocos2dx?

I’ve been learning Cocos2Dx over the past month and it is at times very frustrating. This board has helped me a great deal, but I’m frustrated by the fact that there is no, “Dummies for Cocos2dx” book. I have the Cocos2d book, but it is written for iOS and is a little different from Cocos2Dx. It is really hard to try to learn how to use Cocos2dx when you are doing it with bits and pieces of code, here and there. The references and documentation is helpful but really has no explanatory value to a totally new user.

So I am here asking other users what they are using to help them with the code. Are they just learning by trial and error, like I am, or is there a systematic approach or reference book of any kind that they are using to help them learn.

Have you tried this book?

As far as I know is the only one in english. It focuses a bit TOO much on iOS, but all in all is a great resource for beginners.
I also had a lot of problems with finding good documentation, tutorials, etc. The book helped me a lot, but it also helped that my company had been working on cocos2d-x for more than a year, so I had a couple of games to check on their code.

I would say there’s still a lot that can be done to really show how good and easy to use the framework can be, because many beginners are kind of put off by the lack of documentation. :frowning:

Yeah, it’s well known that the documentation isn’t the greatest; I think most users learn it by trial and error, dipping into the API reference (or at least I did).
A quick scan over the API reference should give you an idea what the components are capable of, and you’ll probably need to refer to it regularly.

Justin Godesky wrote:

Yeah, it’s well known that the documentation isn’t the greatest; I think most users learn it by trial and error, dipping into the API reference (or at least I did).
A quick scan over the API reference should give you an idea what the components are capable of, and you’ll probably need to refer to it regularly.

That is pretty depressing. I’d like to learn how to use cocos2dx but the lack of documentation has me frustrated to the point that I am considering just programming in java instead of using cocos2dx to implement my games.

Neo Smith wrote:

Justin Godesky wrote:
> Yeah, it’s well known that the documentation isn’t the greatest; I think most users learn it by trial and error, dipping into the API reference (or at least I did).
> A quick scan over the API reference should give you an idea what the components are capable of, and you’ll probably need to refer to it regularly.
That is pretty depressing. I’d like to learn how to use cocos2dx but the lack of documentation has me frustrated to the point that I am considering just programming in java instead of using cocos2dx to implement my games.

this is not true anymore, there are several books you can buy on the Amazon store. If you want to still learn by trial/error, it’s up to you, but I don’t recommend it :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah, there were a couple of books that appeared on the front page before (they’re relatively new). People seem to love that “Cocos2dx by Example” one.

I am also trying to to learn cocos2dx but struggling hard with lack of resources i see that book but you guys say its written for ios and it was written in 2013 so there prob have been big changes which puts even more work on me. I been watching this sonar systems guy videos but it isnt enough. I really want to use c++ to make 2d games but despite trying hard it seems like its just not worth it with cocos2dx at this time

What is your knowledge so far? I’d say read our docs, look at cpp-tests and ask us questions.

I really want to use c++ to make 2d games but despite trying hard it seems like its just not worth it with cocos2dx at this time

There are easier methods to make games today, I will not disagree with you on that. If this doesn’t help, I would not discourage you to look at an easier solution. For 2d c++ games there’s SFML, GODOT, SDL and more tens more.

@gustxw That is your first post on this forum, so you haven’t really sought help from anyone here regarding issues you’re having while working with Cocos2d-x. The documentation available now is more than sufficient in detailing what functionality is available in Cocos2d-x, so with that in mind, it points to one thing, that isn’t what you’re actually asking for.

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but what you’re truly after is a guide on how to write a game. That is a roadblock you’re going to face regardless of which game engine you choose to use. If this isn’t the true reason you’re having issues, then please, at the very least, be specific as to what is making it hard for you to create a game in Cocos2d-x.

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