BBOS 10(NDK) and Mac Osx

I’m new to cocos2d-x , but I’m really interested in this project.
I did some experiments with cocos2d for IOS in the past and I found it a very nice solutions for gaming.
I have some problems creating a working project for Blackberry OS 10.

I use momentics (it is an eclipse-based C*+ IDE, brought with Blackberry 10 NDK) on Osx Snow Leopard.
The NDK alone with sample project works but I have problem integrating cocos2d-x.
This is what I did yesterday:
1 - Download the package from
2 - Unzip the package in a folder and launch the .sh blackberry script for create a sample project: let’s call it TestPrj.
3 - Import from Existing C/C*+ project the cocos2d folder. Compile the project. It works.
4 - Import from Existing C/C++ project the CocosDenshion (and libCocosDenshion) folder.
5 - Import the TestPrj folder (created at point 2) and compile it… I think it have found the 2 previous library (point 3 and 4)… but at some point the compilation end for an error:

path…/ could not read symbol invalid operation DSO try adding it to the linker command line

So… I think to explicitly add the path of the library to the compiler parameter during linking… but how… anyone knows?
If it was a simple gcc project how do you explicit tell this parameter to gcc?

The blackberry sample on the wiki ( [[]] ) , are all tested in a windows enviroment?

Thanks you


I finally managed to make it works :slight_smile:
It was simpler than I thought… I followed this:

adding only the project blackberry (the one with blackberry in the extension) and after that, there was a problem with libfreetype … you have just to add “freetype” on the linker option of the project.

And now it works on the device!

Thanks you for this project