Basic Work Flow to Develop for Android on A Mac

Hello … bit of a fresher here … I’ve read all the blurb and tutorials but just to get it straight in my head ……
Is the basic work flow on a Mac to build the project in Xcode using C++ and then build an Android/NDK project using the project Classes to run it on Eclipse/Android emulator?
Or can one build, edit and test the whole thing in Eclipse?
A tad confused


You can do almost all your development on Xcode and once its finished you can just use Google’s NDK tools to compile your project (taking in account you’ve create the android project with cocos2d-x scripts).

That said, I believe you will end up using Eclipse because you probably will want to use some android jars (for AdMob, Facebook, and so on) an d that will require some work with JNI.



Much appreciated … Thank you!