bad access when loading sprite using cocosbuilder

I am trying to load my cocosbuilder file for the main menu.
I followed this tutorial to the word
I have no errors but about 21 warnings which have been there from the start (none are on code i have written).
My ccbi file has two sprites with an animation and four control buttons.
Everytime I run the application it has a runtime error EXC_BAD_ACCESS on
if (m_eDictType == kCCDictUnknown) return NULL;
which is in the CCDictionary.cpp file
Looking back through the call stack it comes from this line within the “void CCSpriteFrameCache::addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char *pszPlist)” inside the CCSpriteFrameCache.cpp file.
void CCSpriteFrameCache::addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char *pszPlist)
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated I am new to both programming and cocos2D X and am very bad at debugging my applications.
Also I am using ccbi files not the ccb files I’m not sure if that could be the issue or not.

you have some problem in the resources folder structure… look at the testcpp project please

Thanks I think I have worked that bit out but now I am getting a different error its a SIGABRT and its happening on this line of the void CCNode::addChild(CCNode child) method
CCAssert( child != NULL, "Argument must be non-nil");
I went through and put breakpoints on every line in my MainMenuSceneLoader.cpp file as that was where the issue was originating. I notice that it never stopped on
MainMenuScene* layer = (MainMenuScene*)node;
This to me seems to be the problem but I dont know why it is happening I have put all the code from the MainMenuSceneLoader.cpp file where this issue is happening below.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
cocos2d::extension::CCNodeLoaderLibrary * ccNodeLoaderLibrary = cocos2d::extension::CCNodeLoaderLibrary::newDefaultCCNodeLoaderLibrary();

/* Create an autorelease CCBReader. /
ccbReader = new cocos2d::extension::CCBReader;

/* Read a ccbi file. /
node = ccbReader->readNodeGraphFromFile(“MainMenuScene.ccbi”);

MainMenuScene* layer = (MainMenuScene*)node;

return layer;

I noticed I’m getting same exception as you.

When I use cocosbuilder 3 alpha 5, and publish with “Flatten path when publishing” checked in the publish settings, it works; however when it’s not checked then I get the same error. I currently need it as a unflattened path because I realize high resolution does not get loaded properly. I have the folder structures set in code, following the cocosbuilder documentation.

I’m not sure if you have figured it out yet.