b2ContactListener and world->Step ( may be bug )


I have problem with b2ContactListener. My object inherited from b2ContactListener only increments/decrements contact’s counter for sensor.
I have two situations, in first all is ok, instead second.

( worldStep( float dt ) is function calling world~~>Step ).
In my update func I have:
float lockedTimestepAccumulator = dt;
float FixedTimeStep = 1.0f / 60.0f; // normal fixed time
int count = 0;
int MaxSteps = 10;
while {
lockedTimestepAccumulator~~= FixedTimeStep;
In this situation counter works normally - if contact begins counter enreases, if contact ends, counter decreases.
In my update func I have:
float lockedTimestepAccumulator = dt;
float FixedTimeStep = 1.0f / 120.0f; // increased fixed time
int count = 0;
int MaxSteps = 10;
while {
lockedTimestepAccumulator -= FixedTimeStep;

In this situation counter increases at first worldStep call and decreases at second, even if fixtures collides! So, I have valid counter only between worldStep calls!


What is important, if bodies not moving, in both situations counter works good, else if at least one body starts moving only in second situation occur problem, first works well.

I think, this may be bug.
