Automatic Installer OR Manual Plugin


just starting to try and add banner ads to my first cocos2d-x iOS & Android game.

Which should I choose and why?


First always backup your project, or create a new branch with git
then I would suggest try automatic first, if you see any error message, then follow the manual integration

Thanks, I have already branched :sweat_smile:

The instructions are Ok but it doesn’t explain the advantages and/or disadvantages.

I will get on and try!

Another query, sorry.

I would like to use the SDKBOX SdkboxAds plugin to display Google ads, AdMob, in the first place.

I have looked at the documentation but I cannot find a list of the supported mediated plugins, the example shows 4, I guess there are more…

“SdkboxAds”: {
“units”: [


Ok, now I find a complete separate plugin for AdMob. Another silly question above maybe?