Audio issues with SimpleAudioEngine under OSX (cocos2d-x 2.2.0)

Hi everyone,

When I run my game on OSX, I experience weird issues when playing audio. The game runs perfectly on iOS and Android.
I use the following call to play sounds: CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine()->playEffect(“Sound/mySFX.mp3”);
The problem is, that it randomly doesn’t work. Sometimes only a few sounds are playing, and sometimes most of them. A file can always, sometimes or never play. Complete randomness… Also Music has issues. Sometimes it doesn’t stop and when changing the scene I have 2 tracks playing at once…
Any of this never ever happened on any other platform.

Any ideas?


I am having the same issues. CocosDenshion seems to be very buggy under OS X :frowning: