Attempting to Integrate ScoreLoop with Latest Development Version

Hi, I just pulled the latest development build of Cocos2d-x-3.0 (“Merge pull request #5973 from ricardoquesada/chipmunk_6_2_1”). I’ve been trying to upgrade my project from 2.2.1, but I’m stuck on the Scoreloop integration because the Scoreloop terms of service popup uses a webview. Cocos2d-x-3.0rc0 won’t work because it uses a NativeActivity, which prevents Scoreloop from raising its webview. When I integrate Scoreloop and run the project under the stable Cocos2d-x-3.0rc0, the app runs, but the webview just doesn’t work so I can’t accept Scoreloop’s terms of service.

Since the merging of “Merge pull request #5955 from Dhilan007/develop_removeNativeActivity”, however, the bleeding edge version is back to using Cocos2dxActivity, so in theory Scoreloop’s webview should work.

I’ve got Scoreloop integrated into the development build project as far as I can tell, and my project runs fine when I set my ENABLE_SCORELOOP directive to 0 so as not to compile any part of my code that uses Scoreloop. However, if I enable Scoreloop, the app crashes in the following snippet near the top of AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching(), on the line SC_Error_t err = SC_Client_NewWithConfig(&scoreloopClient_, scoreloopClientConfig_);:

bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching()
    log("AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() -- enter");
    SC_ClientConfig_SetGameIdentifier(scoreloopClientConfig_, GameID);
    log("AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() -- 0");
    SC_ClientConfig_SetGameSecret(scoreloopClientConfig_, GameSecret);
    log("AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() -- 1");
    SC_ClientConfig_SetGameVersion(scoreloopClientConfig_, Version);
    log("AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() -- 2");
    SC_ClientConfig_SetGameCurrency(scoreloopClientConfig_, Currency);
    log("AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() -- 3");
    // problem line
    SC_Error_t err = SC_Client_NewWithConfig(&scoreloopClient_, scoreloopClientConfig_);
    if(err != SC_OK)
        log("Could not initialize SC_Client: %d", err);
        log("Scoreloop initialized.");
        err = SC_Client_CreateScoreController( scoreloopClient_, &scoreController_, AppDelegate_scoreControllerCallback , NULL );

        if( err == SC_OK )
            log("ScoreController initialized.");
            log("Could not initialize ScoreController: %s", SC_MapErrorToStr(err));

// ... rest of applicationDidFinishLaunching()

None of the logs after the problem line go off. There are two internal logs I don’t understand that happens right when it crashes, though:

03-25 20:34:24.914: I/DEBUG(19331):     #05  pc 001c255b  /data/app-lib/com.pms.zwkyf-1/ (AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching()+106)

03-25 20:34:25.885: D/CrashAnrDetector(702):     #05  pc 001c255b  /data/app-lib/com.pms.zwkyf-1/ (AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching()+106)

Any ideas?

Solved. Turns out I just hadn’t added all the necessary code from the file in the Scoreloop sample to my main.cpp.

On the bright side, the webview is now working fine and I’m testing the development build of Cocos…