Assign value to variable at headquarters-file -> how to?

Hey :wink:

I use a file: Konstanten.h/Konstanten.cpp
in this file I create all my bool, int, label etc. If I need them in several other files at my game. It is my headquarters :wink:

I do it like this:


extern bool myBOOLEAN;


bool myBOOLEAN = false;

Now I want to create an instans of CCLEVEL (and others) or an integer with a predefined value, but I have no luck to work with it… The value is not assigned to it. Is this not possible, or what is my mistake?


extern CCLevel *explainLevel;
extern int diamondsDepot;


CCLevel *explainLevel = CCSoomlaLevelUp::getInstance()->getLevel(LEVEL_EXPLAINLANGUAGE_ID);
int diamondsDepot = CCStoreInventory::sharedStoreInventory()->getItemBalance(DIAMONDS_CURRENCY_ITEM_ID, &soomlaError);

Thank for your advise.