Assets Manager / Hot Update in Cocos Creator

Hi all,

I am planning to move to Cocos Creator from Cocos Studio.

Can assets manager be used for the project compile with Cocos Creator?
If so, basically, we will have to create manifest for files found in ./build/res and ./build/src folders?


For Creator v1.4 we have refactored AssetsManager and the detailed API guide and tutorial are being translated.

Please follow our website and we should have a big updates on English docs recently.


Thanks for your reply :grin:

You meant the guide is being translated and NOT yet ready?

Or, if it’s already there, where should I check?
Link please.

I already tried Creator Documentation and its not there yet.


It is kept more up-to-date than the link you provided.


Thanks @efares.

It says coming soon?
Or I checked at a wrong link again?

You’re right. That part is still missing/coming soon.

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@efares @nantas thanks again.

Do we have documents in other language for hot update?

Perhaps I can help.

I have found a useful link: