ARM DS-5 debugging

Can this be used for debugging C++ projects through eclipse.
I am not talking about Cocos IDE…

Say Yes, and I would be glad.
Say, No and I would be in a doubt

And I saw that it requires NDK r10c…
Is this version stable?


ARM DS-5 is from ARM. I think it is only supporting debugging on ARM Devices and that are more or less smartphones.

You should better ask Google if NDK r10c is stable… But I think it is.

PS: You can debug C++ projects through eclipse with mingw.

haha… u r correct… Actually I was wondering whether there are some issues with this version too like there were for r10 earlier ver.

Anyways… I am assuming it to be correct until my debugging works…

And for mingw… I think I can use cygwin too :smile:


If I am right the problems with r10 is gone. You could also use NDK r10d which is newer than r10c.

Yeah… I am actually gonna use that :smile:

By the way, can you please explain that how is version of cocos2d-x or cocos2dJS of any matter to ARM-DS5 debugging… I mean version of ANT and NDK is fine but why framework’s version?


I have no idea ^^
Maybe the new cocos2d-x versions are doing stuff which is good for ARM-DS5.


Have u used r10d with cocos2d-x v3.3 ?
I tried it but it gave errors. Please follow this post.
