App crashes on version 6.0.1 and higher works fine on 4.2.1

im using this
compileSdkVersion 27
buildToolsVersion ‘27.0.3’

is there a reason why it wont work or new devices?


you need to post the app crash log too.

the app platform is set to 16. if i change app platform to android 21, it works fine on devices 21 and above, which is expected, if i change back the app platform to android 16, it stop works on devices 21 and above, but i want it to work on devices from 16 to 27, is there a solution for this?

For this issue.


Whats your NDK version ? I believe NDK >= r13 will solve this issue.

my NDK is r16b, i build with armeabi, if i upgrade to NDK 17, they say armeabi is depreciated and i dont how to fix. they say switch to clang and i dont know how. is there guidelines on doing this?

also thanks for the solutions, ill check them out