App crash when calling to a trying to call startActivityForResult (JAVA)

I’m trying to incorporate Bluetooth functionality to my Cocos2Dx game, and so far I managed to call a non-static function from the main class (“org.cocos2dx.tsp”) from C**.
The function to call is this one:
public void CnxAttempt{
Intent enableIntent = new Intent;
startActivityForResult; // REQUEST_ENABLE_BT = 2, previously defined private int
With this function, I’m trying to use the main activity to call the BluetoothAdapter and activate it if it’s not.
The function is called from a void in C**, that is only triggered from a touchEvent (ccTouchesEnded on CCLayer). And, before you think this is the cause, it isn’t, since I also tried to do this at the start of the activity on Java, having the same result.

I’m trying to figure out the reason of the crash, but so far, nothing happens but this…can anyone help me?