anyone using Entity Component System for game development?


+1, yes please, start a new thread with it.

Jonathan Beck wrote:

@Dawid Drozd
Hey, I took a look at your GitHub. I am new to Cocos2d.

I am wondering why in your Example Code section you name your variable “pSprite” ? Is it because in order to create a ComponentNode you must add a default type, which in that example is CCSprite? Or maybe more likely that you’re never going to have a game object that doesn’t include a CCSprite.

Or is it because Cocos2d doesn’t have the right inheritance setup to do something like create a base Component class, let’s call it CCComponent.
CCSprite inherits from CCComponent, along with TouchComponent, ClickComponent, etc. Then the code looks like:

ComponentNode<CCComponent>* pGameObject = ComponentNode<CCComponent>::create();

pGameObject->getComponentManager().addComponent ( CCSprite::createWithFile ( R::Sprite::GUI_BUTTON_GREEN_9 ) );
pGameObject->getComponentManager().addComponent ( TouchComponent::create() );
pGameObject->getComponentManager().addComponent ( StandardPressActionComponent::create() );
pGameObject->getComponentManager().addComponent ( ClickComponent::create ( Utils::makeCallback ( this, &AchievementRow::onSkipClickedCallback ) ) );

Simply look at implementation of ComponentNode it only adds ability for callback such onEnter,onExit,update,visit (you can add more) and adds ComponentManager who is dealing with components.

For example i want CCSprite with my component system so i create it

ComponentNode< CCSprite >* pSprite; (pSprite is only name for my var it could be "myVariable")

So now i have something on my screen that can display image and it has my component system.

For example i want CCLayer with my component system so i create:

ComponentNode<CCLayer>* pLayer;

Next thing you must do is simpli init your object so call init* methods as you want.

My component system was created for back compability in my code for example in my code i use some CCSprite

CCSprite* pSprite = CCSprite::create("myfile.png");
.... // here i set position and other kind of stuff

so no i only need to change 2 lines.

ComponentNode< CCSprite >* pSprite = ComponentNode< CCSprite >::create();
.... // rest of the code

So it is simple to change your code to component system.

Also benefit form inheriting for example from CCSprite is that i can add it to CCSpriteBatchNode.

So class name in template variable is simply base class.

What you suggest my is also good thing but… i can’t add callbacks like onEnter etc. I must create something like

class MyCCSpriteClazz : public CCSprite

To add callback so now i must create X classes and override in them onEnter ,onExit … and add there my notyfications. I event more like your solutions but only problem i see is with callbacks for onEnter and onExit because i use them a lot. If you have any suggestions how to resolve this problem i will appreciate it :).

@Gene Han and all,
I just have made a refactoring about my ECS framework, now it’s support Cocos2d-x 3.0 beta2.

some feature:
1, based on the Origin Entity Component System idea(Decoupbe the system from component,this make it diff from Component-based design).
2, automatic attching system to Entity,you only need concern component.So,
3, it’s data-driven.
4, better performance,we make every Entity has it’s own System instance,but still keep auto-attaching,you do not need care about System.
5, lua binding support.(progress…)
6, system ordered.

BUT IT’S UNTESTED YET!!! I’m working on it.

I want to notice you after my test on Nexus 4 (ok it is quite good phone)


avg1: 0µ,	avg2: 1µ,	min: 0µ,	max: 977µ,	total: 1.44s,	nr calls: 1000000 Notifier_1kk_notify_to_1_listener
avg1: 0µ,	avg2: 1µ,	min: 0µ,	max: 641µ,	total: 1.46s,	nr calls: 1000000 Notifier_1kk_notify_to_1_listener
avg1: 1µ,	avg2: 3µ,	min: 0µ,	max: 12238µ,total: 3.87s,	nr calls: 1000000 CCNotificationCenter_1kk_notify_to_1_listener
avg1: 0µ,	avg2: 3µ,	min: 0µ,	max: 3204µ,	total: 3.80s,	nr calls: 1000000 CCNotificationCenter_1kk_notify_to_1_listener

avg1: 55µ,	avg2: 50µ,	min: 30µ,	max: 10163µ,total: 5.03s,	nr calls: 100000 Notifier_100k_notify_to_1k_listeners
avg1: 53µ,	avg2: 49µ,	min: 30µ,	max: 1495µ,	total: 4.99s,	nr calls: 100000 Notifier_100k_notify_to_1k_listeners
avg1: 151µ,	avg2: 151µ,	min: 122µ,	max: 2106µ,	total: 15.13s,	nr calls: 100000 CCNotificationCenter_100k_notify_to_1k_listeners
avg1: 154µ,	avg2: 152µ,	min: 122µ,	max: 4334µ,	total: 15.25s,	nr calls: 100000 CCNotificationCenter_100k_notify_to_1k_listeners

avg1: 14µ,	avg2: 18µ,	min: 0µ,	max: 519µ,	total: 1.83s,	nr calls: 100000 Notifier_100k_notify_to_1k_listener_multiple_notifications
avg1: 7µ,	avg2: 18µ,	min: 0µ,	max: 1862µ,	total: 1.86s,	nr calls: 100000 Notifier_100k_notify_to_1k_listener_multiple_notifications
avg1: 129µ,	avg2: 128µ,	min: 91µ,	max: 2319µ,	total: 12.86s,	nr calls: 100000 CCNotificationCenter_100k_notify_to_1k_listener_multiple_notifications
avg1: 137µ,	avg2: 129µ,	min: 91µ,	max: 3449µ,	total: 12.94s,	nr calls: 100000 CCNotificationCenter_100k_notify_to_1k_listener_multiple_notifications

On last test i have 6x performance boost and test are done for best performance in CCNotificationCenter