Any suggestions on preloading resources in a better way other than preload all before the game start? How to prevent the game from reaching the memory peak?

As the Title says

I use TexturePacker to created spritesheets. I review my resource images and put them to some several spritesheet files: game characters.plist, store.plist, etc.
Everytime I switch to the other scene, I remove all un-use spritesheet file and load the other-which I will use.

Thank you for your advice. Do you use cc.loader to handle the loading between scene? How do you handle the loading process? Can you provide some example code? Thanks in advance!

I don’t use javascript, sorry.
First you can read this article:

pre loading vs clean memory, a classic dichotomy.

what would be nicer, and i know I’m of topic here, just my opinion but can we prevent the title floating down the page on the mobile version of discus please? yours takes up half my screen :-/