Any examples how to use cc.Camera or cc.Follow?

I would like to have a tile-based game area bigger than the viewable area and to be able to move the camera as the avatar moves around. I have read that I can do that using cc.Camera or cc.Follow. Where can I find an example how to use any of them in JavaScript? And what is the difference between cc.Camera or cc.Follow?

you can use cc.Follow for what your looking to achieve you just need to create a follow action and run it on the main layer of your scene sample code:

var followAction = cc.Follow.create(this.mPlayer.shape.image,cc.rect(0,0,mapWidth,mapHeight));

This will then keep the “camera” only following your player inside the rect you specify

What is mPlayer.shape.image in this example? Is that the avatar sprite? Where should I put this code? Should it be in the init() method of the layer containing the avatar? Is there anywhere a working example, I could analyze?

mPlayer is a player object the shape/image is the sprite attached to the physicsbody.
yes you can put this in your init function.
For a working example if you look in cocos2d-js/samples/actionsTest.js there is a follow test which uses this action if you run the project you can see it working