Android Studio C++ Includes

cocos2dx version 3.14.1
Android Studio 2.3.1

Hello, So i imported my cocos2dx project into android studio and everything is fine except i get #include errors such as

#include “cocos2d.h”
#include “CocosStudioExport.h”
#include “NodeReader.h”
#include “flatbuffers.h”
#include “lobject.h”

all highlighted in red and display “cannot find cocos2d.h” and etc for each one. Eclipse auto detects the cocos2d folder
is there make android studio detect it as well or add it to the project or something else?

If you specify cocos2d-x version as well as your environment, then other people can help you.

cocos2dx version 3.14.1
Android Studio 2.3.1

This version of the engine does not have the full support of the Android Studio, you can try 3.15rc0 from github, or wait for a stable release.

ok ill try the one from github, but will it detect the engine in android studio?

It should, if there are no bugs :slight_smile:

ill give it go. no matter how it turns out, Thanks for the help! :slight_smile:

You are welcome! :slight_smile: