Android Stock Browser

Stock browsers for android can give nightmares (!) for shooting games.
How do we disable double tap zoom on these browsers ??

You can try this

The user-scalable part will not allow user use the zoom feature.

Hey thanks a lot for the reply :slight_smile:

I am already using this

This works absolutely fine for all the browsers other than android stock browser………….“i am gonna kill my self _
One thing I have noticed on high end android devices is that, when you go to the Settings~~>Accessibility~~>Zoom amount on double tap………….“:frowning: this hurts me”
By using this option you can set the double tap zoom to min 75 and not 0 ………….“why whyy whyyyyyy?? :’(”
Is there any way I can detect and stop propagation to double tap?

Did you find a solution to that issue ? It would be nice to share, same issue here ^^