Android Compiled Error with Quick Start and Example Projects

Hi All,

I just started learning Cocos Creator.
After searching in the web and the forum, I found some example projects:

However, when I tried to compile those projects, I got error.

Basically, all I did are:

  • Download and install Cocos Creator from (version 1.6.1)
  • Set up Android SDK, NDK and Ant. I’m using android-ndk-r14b. SDK API 21
  • Open the downloaded projects
  • Select Project->Build…
  • On the Build window, select “Platform: Android”. Press “Build” then “Compile”.

I have attached the error log,
From the “native.log”, it look like something wrong with Box2D.
Did I miss something or is there something wrong with my setting?
I’m new to cocos and game develop so I don’t know how to fix this.
I have been stuck with this for about 3 days.
Please help.

Thank you, (5.2 KB)