[Android][Cocos2d-x 3.9] curl/curl.h no such file or directory

please help me,

I build android on cocos2d-x 3.9.

but I had error. “#include curl/cur.h : No such file or directory”

please help me… ;(


LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/…/…/cocos2d)
$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/…/…/cocos2d/external)
$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/…/…/cocos2d/cocos)

LOCAL_MODULE := cocos2dcpp_shared

LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME := libcocos2dcpp

LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hellocpp/main.cpp




LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := cocos2dx_static




$(call import-module,.)



Dependency on libcurl has been removed from Cococs2d-x 3.9

add to the last line

$(call import-module,curl/prebuilt/android)

I have run into this situation.According to your writing I did compile.But the game will crash!Do you know Why?