Android build probelm

i am using android-ndk-r13b
need to update it???

That’s the latest (stable) version, so it’s fine.

Well that’s strange.

so there is no solution for this?

Sure there is. I just don’t know atm why it happens.
I use the same cocos2d-x and ndk versions and have no such problem.
Especially strange that it also happens on fresh new project.
You may wait for someone from community or google this error, there’re plenty of occurrences.

@slackmoehrle please provide a solution for this
i am stuck in this

Are you running on hardware or in an emulator? If an emulator try hardware.

@slackmoehrle i am running it in hardware
same problem is there

@slackmoehrle please provide me a solution
i am stuck in this problem

Did you try the link by @piotrros. This error has come up here before. Try searching these forums for it.

@slackmoehrlei have tried that all the solutions but it would not work for me

what is in your

Something like: APP_PLATFORM := android-19

that is not in my

this is

APP_STL := gnustl_static

APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti -DCC_ENABLE_CHIPMUNK_INTEGRATION=1 -std=c++11 -fsigned-char
APP_LDFLAGS := -latomic

APP_ABI := armeabi

ifeq ($(NDK_DEBUG),1)
APP_OPTIM := debug
APP_OPTIM := release

add it! the first line.

Do you have


in your file?

@piotrros no there is not in my file

Try adding it.

@slackmoehrle @piotrros i have added that but same error occurs…

Can you upload this project?

can you run cocos -v and post the output?

Have you tried: cocos run -p android --app-abi arm64-v8a --ap android-19

for cocos -v command:

Cocos Console 2.2