Android ./ doesnt found my custom c++ classes

Hi team!
i have developed a simple game on iOS, i have added some custom classes like SlidingMenuGrid.cpp.
On XCode all works like a charm , but while i am trying to compile the same classes for the android app using the terminal i get some errors like it can not find where classes like SlidingMenuGrid are.
Any suggestion?
i am very noob so any help will be much appreciate, also if it is explained without a lot of complexity.

You are greatThanks!

Have you modified YourGame/, add your cpp files into LOCAL_SRC_FILES param?

Hi walzer!
thanks by your answer.
I have modificed to the a guy posted on this forum, it code is this:

`LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := game_logic

dirs := $(shell find $(LOCAL_PATH) -type d)

cppfilestemp1 := $(shell find $(LOCAL_PATH) -type d)
cppfilestemp2 := $(shell find $(cppfilestemp1) -name *.cpp)
cppfilestemp3 := $(sort $(cppfilestemp2))
cppfiles := $(subst $(LOCAL_PATH)/,$(cppfilestemp3))


LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/…/…/cocos2dx

What do you mean by add your cpp files into LOCAL_SRC_FILES param ? Sorry but i am not an expert so i dont get what is this action i have to do.

Thanks in advance

Walzer Wang wrote:

Have you modified YourGame/, add your cpp files into LOCAL_SRC_FILES param?

You wew right, that was the problem :slight_smile: