After setup of Win32 and Android,The following problem stumped me.

[2012-04-07 07:47:32 - MyGame] Warning: AndroidManifest.xml already defines debuggable (in; using existing value in manifest.
[2012-04-07 07:47:32 - MyGame] Unable to add ‘D:2d-1.0.1-x-0.12.0\MyGame\android\assets\fonts\Marker Felt.ttf’: Zip add failed
[2012-04-07 07:47:32 - MyGame] ERROR: unable to process assets while packaging ‘D:2d-1.0.1-x-0.12.0\MyGame\android\bin\resources.ap*’
ERROR: packaging of ’D:2d-1.0.1-x-0.12.0\MyGame\android\bin\resources.ap*’ failed

image001.png (66.6 KB)

error.jpg (133.5 KB)

The problem is on “rwx” rights of Marker Felt.ttf.

  1. delete space of file name
    2.chmod 777 MarkerFelt.ttf in cygwin(because cygwin donot support space in file name.)
    3.add space back to this file.

Resloved,give file access to Everyone,
one point to mention:Android NDK development on windows platform is really shit