Admob proxy NULL

I can create a simple Hello World with admob succesfully. Then i try to implement to my game. But, the ads not show. In the “adb logcat” it says “Admob proxy NULL”. I add admob listener too, but no response (no message). I copy the code from “SDKBOX_SAMPLE_ADMOB” and paste to game over scene but still not show ads. Any solution?

we have a check and warning message is AdMob: proxy is null not Admob proxy NULL. Could you plz confirm it ?

Did call sdkbox::PluginAdMob::init(); ?

Can you post the full log from logcat?

Oh yes, sorry.
The error message from logcat is just
“E/AdMob (23854): Admob: proxy is null”
No message about Ads or cocos2dx debug.

I have called sdkbox::PluginAdmob::init() in AppDelegate.cpp
Maybe the error because other scene? I just want to show the ads in gameover scene

plz make sure init is the first call of pluginadmob.

It would be great if we can take a look at your project. Maybe you can PM us the access.

Problem Solved Guys. Thank you for your response

the cause of error is in sdkbok_config.json . is the default sdkbox_config.json can not be used? i just edit the interstial ads . Then i replace from “SDKBOX_SAMPLE_ADMOB” and rewrite the code in interstial ads. and finally succes :smiley:

BTW, when i try to show ads in simple Helloworld.cpp , the ads is showed althought i use default sdkbox_config.json (i rewrite the banner ads code). is the code must not be share to other? or is safe to share my sdkbox_config?

Generally should be fine to share admob config

I got a similar problem while trying to add an AdMod ad to the application.
But after some changes I got a new error:
E/SdkboxAds: Request ad from unkown AdUnit: ‘AdMob’
Config is the next:

could you please run sdkbox info to check if your project has admob plugin ?

installed packages are next:

use your sdkbox_config.json

$ pidcat org.cocos2dx.cpp317 | grep "SdkboxAds"
              SdkboxAds  I  Initialization request for AdUnit: 'AdColony'
              SdkboxAds  I  Initialization request for AdUnit: 'Chartboost'
              SdkboxAds  I  Registered AdUnits
              SdkboxAds  I  Initialization request for AdUnit: 'AdColony'
              SdkboxAds  I  Initialization request for AdUnit: 'Chartboost'
              SdkboxAds  I  Registered AdUnits
              SdkboxAds  I  Initialization request for AdUnit: 'AdMob'
              SdkboxAds  I  Registered AdUnits
              SdkboxAds  D  PluginSdkboxAds onAdAction: unit:'AdMob' zone:'short_ad' action:'LOADED' extras:'false'
              SdkboxAds  D  PluginSdkboxAds onAdAction: unit:'AdMob' zone:'long_ad' action:'LOADED' extras:'false'

could you try to find the PluginAdMob.jar file with command:

~/test/cpp317 [master] $ find . -name "PluginAdMob.jar*"

make sure that the file exists.

File exists, result of the operation is next:


Actually, from the manuals at the resource I didn’t get should I use PluginSdkboxAds and call it’s methods or call both methods of PluginAdMob plugin and PluginSdkboxAds as well?
I tried to call init for both plugins and got the next message in logcat, while trying to call playAd in SdkboxAds plugin:

E/SDKBOX_CORE: Checking plugin status for unknown plugin: AdMob
I/SDKBOX: DEFAULTvirtual bool sdkbox::AdMobWrapperEnabled::init():63= ERR: Failed to load config for AdMob

while when I tried to use only AdMob plugin I got “AdMob proxy is NULL”

what about the other plugins? firebase works?

would you like to test your sdkbox_config.json with .

Actually I have problem with building sample, comment is posted on github