Adding PUParticleSystem3D object in cocos2dx 3.15.1 raises engine compile time error

I am trying to add the 3d torch particle in my 2d LayerColor node game but adding this line:

auto fire = PUParticleSystem3D::create("Particles/mp_torch.pu", "Particles/pu_mediapack_01.material");

causes compile time errors in the engine file: CCPUBoxCollider.cpp and the error reads:
Error:(216) undefined reference to 'cocos2d::AABB::containPoint(cocos2d::Vec3 const&) const'

Other errors suddenly appear for files such as CCPUPlaneCollider.cpp and CCPUSphereCollider.cpp too. This compile time error rises within the engine codes and I feel it is at my best interest not to alter with them. I am using android studio with ndk and before adding that line of code, my game compiles and runs ok. Appreciate any insight in advance.