adding protobuf libraries

oh,greate i will try thank you

圣诞快乐 哇咔咔!

wang fengli wrote:

oh,greate i will try thank you
圣诞快乐 哇咔咔!

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

群主你好,我这些天也遇见你的这个问题,我在你的回答中,没有具体看清楚 你是怎么解决这个问题,能否给具体说清楚。谢谢群主。你把这个如果把protobuf 这个 添加的cocos2d-x 中的 把整个过程能否说的详细一些,这个问题困扰我们的团队已经很久时间了 我们都是在VS 中编辑成功,现在要把他发布到android 平台上遇见问题,总之也不知道具体该怎么给你说,希望你能把你解决问题的过程说清楚。能我们这些新手一些参考。让我们跟着你一起进步。
Group of Lord how are you, I also met you this problem, these days I am in your answer, no specific to see how do you solve this problem, can you give the specific clear. Thanks for the group of the Lord. You add this if the protobuf the cocos2d - the whole process of the x can say detailed some of the problems our team has been long time we are all in the VS editor is successful, now want to release him to meet problem on the android platform, anyway also don’t know how to said to you, hope you can clarify your problem solving process. Can we these beginners some reference. Let’s progress together with you.