add iad in cocos2d-x, but the kayboard always showing....

I try add iad in my game , but some things wrong…

UIWindow window = ;
glView = [window viewWithTag:111];
[glView addSubview:self.view];

this code I get glView and put the iad banner view into glView

there is a bug:
1.iad advertisement show, user click the iad banner.
2.the iad advertisement page show, click the close button
3.back to game , and the keyboard show and alwarys showing.

That’s a bug , I think I donnot wannna keyboard!

after I check code:
I found when iad page back to game , the canBecomeFirstResponder always return YES.
then I check , the EAGLView.h I found those code:
@interface EAGLView : UIView <UIKeyInput, UITextInput>

I know cocos2d-x need use ios keyinput , but put those delegate in EAGLView , and I think this not appropriate, maybe is time to create a new class for handle those thing……


This is a old bug, still not fixed.
This link give you solution

Fix this pls