Access violation reading location!

I got error: “Unhandled exception at 0x107FB141 (libcocos2d.dll) in Ball.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000014.”
I wana create a HUD class to add Controls:
.H file:

#include "cocos2d.h"
#include "ui/CocosGUI.h"

class HUD_Layer :public cocos2d::LayerColor
	void initOptions();

	ui::Button *btnForward;
	static HUD_Layer* createLayer();
	virtual void draw(cocos2d::Renderer * renderer, const cocos2d::Mat4 & transform, bool transformUpdated);

#endif // __HUD_LAYER_H__

.cpp source:
#include “HUD_Layer.h”


using namespace std;



HUD_Layer* HUD_Layer::createLayer()
	HUD_Layer *a = new HUD_Layer();
	//a->setColor(cocos2d::Color3B(0, 0, 0));
	a->setContentSize(Size(cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize().width, cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize().height));
	a->setAnchorPoint(cocos2d::Vec2(0, 0));
	return a;
void HUD_Layer::initOptions()
	Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();

	btnForward = ui::Button::create();
    btnForward >setPosition(Vec2(visibleSize.width / 2, 30));
	addChild(btnForward );
void HUD_Layer::draw(cocos2d::Renderer * renderer, const cocos2d::Mat4 & transform,bool transformUpdated) {}

I declared a HUD_Layer in HelloWorld.:init():

HUD_Layer *HUD = HUD_Layer::createLayer();

And I got the error: “Unhandled exception at 0x107FB141 (libcocos2d.dll) in Ball.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000014.” and It show cause from GL::useProgram(_program) at CCGLProgram
Any help me! apriciate so much!

In your HUD_Layer::draw(...) try calling the parent’s draw method.

I wonder if a->create() might be your problem. It doesn’t look like you have implemented your own create() function, so a->create() probably creates a new Layer* or Node* and returns it, which you don’t do anything with because you don’t assign it to a function.

Does changing a->create() to a->init() change anything?

I resolved problem.
problem from initOptions(), because I added a button into a HUD_Layer, that has never been created.
many thanks for rep!