About using addImageAsync() to add texture with plist file

My engine version is 2.2.5
Now I want to useCCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->addImageAsync() to load resource asynchronously but I wonder how I can get the key for the loaded texture in call back function.

void addImageAsync (const char *path, CCObject *target,SEL_CallFuncO selector)
this func adds a texture to texture cache asynchronously by path of texture file and when loading done it calls the call back func and send the texture as a CCObject param into call back

I use it to load several packed png tuxtures and when loading done I want to addSpriteFrame with their plist files,but in call back func I don’t get the key for the texture,so I can’t know which plist should be add.

This method loads the texture file itself. It’s not using a plist.
A plist would be used with an atlas. Why would you want to know the plist? Is the image also in an atlas?

The key is just the path you give to addImageAsync.
You would need to implement getKeyByTexture as in the JS version:

Sorry,I didn’t say it clearly.
That png is a atlas,something like atlas.plist and atlas.png

I don’t use addSpriteFramesWithFile("atlas.plist") because it’s not async.
I want to addImageAsync('atlas.png') and get a CCTexture2D like someTexture and use addSpriteFramesWithFile("atlas.plist",someTexture) in call back func, so I need to know the plist name

This not something the C++ version of cocos2d-x supports at the moment.
As I said in my previous post, you would have to implement getKeyByTexture like in the JS version.

The key of a texture given to the TextureCache is just the string passed to addImageAsync. In your case atlas.png.

Why are you not just using a map and use atlas.png as a key for atlas.plist prior to calling addImageAsync? This way you can easily call addSpriteFramesWithFile with the correct plist and your texture object.

In the call back what I get is only the pointer to the added texture,I don’t get the string “atlas.png” or “atlas.plist”.
So the map way won’t work.
But I think getKeyByTextur way works,I will try it.
Thank you!

That’s why you save those values in the map prior to the callback.

Ah, yes. Sorry. I mixed addImageAsync with another function, returning some id, but it’s void.